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Everything posted by Evieeee

  1. Thanks for the hard work. Will you make the hack for puppy, exploration skill points/exp ? Hope you will >_<
  2. Reset yours skill points. Get 5 coins ea time. When you have enough coin to buy fuel, open the shop and get fuel
  3. Try to reset your craft point to get enough 75 coins. Then go to the shop and buy fuel
  4. Im inlove with the coin hack <3. Hope the free store hack or explore xp hack/puppy hack will come in future update. Thanks for your hard work
  5. Keep asking me for update. Didnt work for me :(
  6. Hi there. Thanks for making this awesome hack. I really love it. Can you update the coin and energy hack asap please? i hope we can dupplicate puppy, raise the percent of getting verhicle parts, cz i still cant get my chopper due to my bad luck ;(