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Everything posted by zuestrike

  1. PUA - The Pick-up Artist

    hi did you make it ?
  2. PUA - The Pick-up Artist

    Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid. https://iOSGG.com/app PUA - The Pick-up Artist here is the link https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/pua-the-pick-up-artist/id1281475072?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D8 Features: Gems Energy gold Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: non jailbreak Thanks!
  3. Instagram++ v28

    Update this pleasee !!
  4. Did you guys fix the coin increase hack And easy material hack and the easy finalise cause we need that did you update it ?
  5. Please update this to Version 0.5.0 ? Is unlimited Ammo working same as that video? Can you add more features such as X-ray hack or see Enemies through wall (wall hack) Please add this it will be a big help for us and Update it please ? These are the feature available Please add Wall hack and is the unlimited ammo working yes or no? No Recoil when shooting - No Spread when shooting - Lock View Height - Lock Shooting Height Add wall hack Please
  6. Unlimited Energy Even this doesnt work if you can include this in the next update if the unlimited coin is there then we can buy the energy easily And i have a question even there is a single item which cant be stacked can we clone it from the loot ?
  7. Hey the single item split doesn't work and then finalize doesn't work though, and building everywhere works, but we cant input the products in it bro can you fix it ?
  8. gonna test it out if its working or not
  9. Just downloaded this amazing hack lol it has +25 features and its free i am waiting for it to use it now !! I cant wait looks amazing