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About Goliathslayer

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    iPhone 7
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  1. PUBG Hacks (Working with 0.8.0)

    the game is PUBG, the app that i use to modify the codes is iGameGuardian. You can find it by googling it and it costs $3.
  2. Real Racing 3 [ Gold, RS cheats ]

    1. You need to be jailbroken 2. You need localIAPStore (can be downloaded via http://repo.hackyouriphone.org ) 3. Once downloaded, go to settings and enable it. 4. Follow the instructions below. Enjoy [Hidden Content]
  3. PUBG Hacks (Working with 0.8.0)

    This is my first tut. Didn't get these codes from here.
  4. PUBG Hacks (Working with 0.8.0)

    about what? yes the codes are working if you're curious regarding that glad you like it
  5. PUBG Hacks (Working with 0.8.0)

    [Hidden Content] 1. before you begin or asks any questions, these are some codes I collected from other sources. You will need to be jailbroken to enable these codes because they required igameguardian (cost $3, very inexpensive). 2. You need to have basic knowledge on how to use igameguardian. 3. You need a brain. 4. Follow the instructions above. Enjoy
  6. NEW UPDATE 1.8.2: •A few things: crafted items do not work (backpack works but haven't found anything else that works) •cannot build PLEASE FIX ASAP! TY! :D