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Everything posted by Gashbell007

  1. Pubg 0.9.1 DLG CODES

  2. @cz1993 NetEase Games 的「第五人格-1v4非對稱對戰手遊」 https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/第五人格-1v4非對稱對戰手遊/id1347780764?mt=8 Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid. https://iOSGG.com/app Features: - 透視 -加快修理時間 - 走路快。 Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: VIP JAILBREAK Thanks!
  3. 不越獄不能用掛的。。那個檢測到你不是官方版本就封。。
  4. Cz1993 不是說要等更新嗎。。 我有問他 code 他說要等更新。。
  5. @cz1993 updata 0.61 plz , ios 11.31 jb is out already ...
  6. Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid. https://iOSGG.com/app iTunes URL: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id1321803705 Features: - mini map show enemies - auto lock enemies when shooting - No Recoil when shooting - No Spread when shooting - @cz1993 @1-cz1993 Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: Non-Jailbroken Thanks!
  7. 绝地求生:刺激战场 版本 0.5.1

    Thanks. I don’t know how to tag Haha
  8. There are problems with login from Facebook ac. No response 。 @1-cz1993 https://iosgg.com/profile/1-cz1993/
  9. Use the AOI +100 and AOI -100 is good to playing this game.. but when i open hack will always unexpectedly quit.... can fix?