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Everything posted by Imurhuckleberry

  1. So everything appears to be working, just no access to the cheat menu, but I guess it's all automatically enabled? Thanks for the help!
  2. I downloaded it from tweakboxapp. When I open it, it shows the login page and I logged on no problems.
  3. I dl 1.8.3 but still don't have access to the hack menu. Plus when I craft weapons, it won't let me use them. They literally show up in my pocket but I am only able to use the fist. WTF?
  4. Yeah that's the one I have the 1.8.2 that's only 96mb...maybe I just need to dump my iphone 8plus and get a Samsung?
  5. I did use Tweakboxapp, but the menu doesn't come up in the game for me to use the hack. And now it says the game needs an update...any suggestions?
  6. Hey guys, how do you get this to work? I can craft but when I try to use weapons they just disappear. Plus I don't have the hack menu, what do I have to do? I got the game through tboxapp, do I still need to use cydia impactor?