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Everything posted by EhizOjie

  1. You downloaded it using ipa right? Then when you tried opening the game did it show you any login page before the game loads?
  2. The url for ipa is available on this forum, but the direct link isn’t out I guess
  3. Make at least three comments here it’ll be activated but be advised the comments should be sensible
  4. Did you craft anything that isn’t out yet? You must have at least three comments to be activated. Be advised comment wisely.
  5. Unlock the orientation lock this will fix the half page error, then put in your username and password of this site to the game then you can enter the game
  6. download the 1.8.3 because all the bugs have been fixed
  7. When using tweakboxapp, you get to see two different ldoe game, pick the one with the lowest mb about 98mb or so, don’t not pick the large ldoe, but it’s hasnt been updated to 1.8.3 it’s on 1.8.2 that’s the one connected to iosgg.
  8. @cz1993pls when will the update for 1.8.3 come out with direct link too?
  9. Try cydia or tweakbox app, @cz1993 is working on 1.8.3 I hope so.
  10. I found some bug in LDOE, crafted weapons are low after crafting and it’s limtieed, and food items are like from 20 after to clicks the all item of food will wipe off, and coin does not increase instead it decreases more @cz1993
  11. Iosgg has updated there ldoe on tweakbox but what’s your error
  12. I don’t know yet, but I think @cz1993 will fix that
  13. Direct link isn’t updated yet and it’s not on iosgg installer yet too @cz1993
  14. Okay sir, but sir how can I get the direct link to the new update
  15. Thanks, but direct link for 1.8.2 is needed
  16. Did you update from App Store? Hello Did you try your correct username and password