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Everything posted by EhizOjie

  1. Point works but coins don’t work I noticed that too all the craft is working fine but you can’t craft till you get to the stage or rather the level
  2. Stop this Activating your account is easy, You need patience & wait for the moderators to approve your post/comment/reply in any topic. But make at least three comments (mindful of what you post)
  3. At least make three comments and mind you make it mesnful Make at least three comments
  4. You can upgrade your house with little trick I discovered, remeber the part of getting 20 items from everything you pick.. get the required items you need to upgrade then multiply them and upgrade your house but note you will have to be mindful of the items because it reduces when upgrading.
  5. Head out to green area and fight of zombies and boost your progress, and also head out to yellow zone too
  6. ? I’m here to help, don’t forget to like my post ?
  7. Un lock the orientation lock of your phone then load the game
  8. Comment at least three comments to be activated Post at least three comments and be advised meaningful comments