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Everything posted by BzerkOP

  1. Is max rank disabled now or does it just not work anymore
  2. Im trhing to restore my previous save, but it keeps getting stuck on the loading screen. Is there another method of retrieving previous saves?
  3. Everytime i would try to recover my data from an update it always keeps me stuck at the loading screen
  4. Has this hack been update to 1.8.2? And can i tranfer my save data without losing it?
  5. If you update will you lose your current gamesave or will it transfer over?
  6. How would i download this if on jailbreak ios 11.0.3? Ive got filza and everytime i try to install the .deb it says ‘command not found’.
  7. The game isnt loading up for me i dont know if anybody is having similair problems or am i just missing something?
  8. I’ve never played this, but this seems like it would be fun. Thank you