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About asro

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  • Device
    iPhone 6S Plus
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. Thx for hack, can u make starbux hack plz @cz1993 ? or something to speed up building and buy new crew members ?
  2. @cz1993 I can't install it with cydia impactor. It says me it's not a zip archive Error : zip.cpp:557 cannot unzip 'C:\Users\........\Freestore_LastDayOnEarth_v1.6.12_Auth_iOsGG_Jailed_v2.ipa' Not a zip archive Can you help me please :'(
  3. I have a problem @cz1993 Got this message when I try to install the ipa file with cydia impactor "zip.cpp:557 cannot unzinp Not a zip archive" Can you help me plz ?