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Everything posted by Thesuperpain

  1. Anyone know that there’s a debug in this hack ipa at setting within the game? I try it but it didn’t work.
  2. {OLD HACK}six guns

    Thank you
  3. {OLD HACK}six guns

    Thank you
  4. - Name of the game you want hacked: Chú Bé Rồng Online -Version of the game: 160 -iTunes Link for the app: https://itunes.apple.com/mx/app/dragon-boy-online/id796794370?l=en&mt=8 - Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: jailbroken Requested Features: - high Damage - unlimited hp and mp THANK YOU VERY MUCH please and thank you
  5. sad, someone change the password
  6. Wolf Online (All Versions) +3 Cheats

    NIce, thank you for hacking this