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Everything posted by Lucio1224

  1. This works. But no graphics in-game. Tested on toram
  2. Please let me see this. Thank you
  3. [Tut] How To Edit Game Values

    Will this work on ios 10?
  4. Thank you for this. It's time to update ios to 11, i guess. But is it stable now?
  5. Do i need my account activated first for this? This is cool
  6. Ive been looking for this. I only find it here. Thanks let me try.
  7. Wow. This is gg. Ima try this. Thank you. This is the best forum compared to gods. :()
  8. Please update to 3.2.1. @cz1993 thank you The VIP features rock! I wish I can afford VIP. But will do my best to show support in this forum and help other members here.