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About fiezo

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  • Device
    iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • Version
    iOS 14.x
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  1. @Cz1993Hi, I tried installing by direct install once downloaded says 'This app cannot be installed because its intregity could not be verified' I tried even downloading IPA and installing with ifunbox, but still the same thing. Can you help? Idk how people just comment 1hr ago and it works for them
  2. Wish i cud use dis damn
  3. direct install doesnt work, i download the ipa, cant install with cydia cuz for some reason asks to use 3utools, tried that i get error 'invalid package installation'. made a new apple id, tried to instal with cydia impactor i get an error file; installer.cpp; line71 what: _assert(!teams.empty0) i researched the error meanin is that cydia impactor thinks that last day on earth is already installed on my fone , which is not true! help who can please
  4. direct install doesnt work, downloads but doesnt actually download