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Everything posted by Sckor

  1. NOTE: Friend, I am a new asuario that I have spent money on your program more than $ 70 and I bought the new code for a month I did not even use it because of the error that presented your system I would like to know if you are going to help me with the code so as not to spend money
  2. This system is a scam I spent more than $ 70 I bought a new code for a month I could not even activate it who responds to me for my money that I spend not even the owner has given his face with a response to the users
  3. This system is a scam I spent more than $ 70 I bought a new code for a month I could not even activate it who responds to me for my money that I spend not even the owner has given his face with a response to the users
  4. This system is a scam I spent more than $ 70 I bought a new code for a month I could not even activate it who responds to me for my money that I spend not even the owner has given his face with a response to the users
  5. Pubg - All magic bullet codes
