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About Strawberryblond

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  • Device
    iPad Mini 5
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    iOS 14.x
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  1. 1.3 isn’t working. Can’t even open it. HAPPY NEW YEAR, now get back to work
  2. Whatever, just fix it and go back to sniffing coke off hooker’s butt crack
  3. I just got banned for 10 min. Using method 1. Installed ipa via iPAWiND non jb.
  4. “PUBG MOBILE” is no longer available. And when I try to verify in settings -> general -> verify “Northfolk.....” , I click on “verify” but nothing happens. Still shows app isn’t verified. HELP
  5. @Cz1993 I applied Perfect anthenna and it’s not working on some of the enemies. Also, I have to apply it twice for it to work. When I applied magic bullet and played one game, I got 10 min ban: https://imgur.com/a/qlpT46x Any solutions ? I’m using iPhone 12 (clean) and iPad mini 5th gen 2019 for hack - 1 st method.
  6. That’s what I’m thinking. They are using magic bullet but not saying anything.
  7. Now I applied method 1 again, slide switch on and off in training mode, anthenna, white character. Played squad 2 games no ban.... weird.
  8. Played one game (method 1) and it was fine. Second game same method 1 also with anthenna and white character after 8th kill I got 10 min ban for using 3rd party version. I’m silver 2 tire.
  9. I can’t even install the game and you guys complain about ban. Don’t use magic bullet you bot.