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Everything posted by Frenzy007

  1. Bro I am facing problem in the installation it is saying unable to install . I am using super install.Can u please check and fix the isuue .
  2. Always use Method 1 thats is the most Convenient and Reliable method to avoid 10 mins ban .
  3. Press on Magic bullet option 5-10 times maximum and the magic bullet will be activated 100% guaranteed.
  4. Yes u are right the Aimbot is basically increased aim assist values . But please we love the older versions with magic bullets . That feature is the best . Aimbot is not required at all and not useful as well trust me .
  5. I will test bro brutally and Report to you if there is any problem or improvement which needs to be done
  6. Still giving ban . This time it banned me in the lobby can u believe this .
  7. I tried restarting after one game Still giving 10 mins ban . saying Connection to server lost . Plz Fix it
  8. Bro i think some featues you should make it less like magic bullet because that is the only reason . My friend told me tencent have a bullet analysis system . If u tamper with bullet like the bullet speed or anything it will detect you. So i Highly reccomend you increase the aim assist which is safe and remove the magic bullet . Thanks
  9. Thanks Alot bro . for Your Response hope the new version will be Very good and no ban . Take time bro . Tencent is constantly fighting against this so Please take even 10 days and make Good quality hack so no bans in this season later.
  10. hello , I have few questions for the hack development team . This new version is it safe and can I use it in my main account .and how long it would Probably take for the direct install fix any approximate date . I know u guys work very hard. Just a Response from your side will be really appreciated. Thanks .
  11. Its a Request please fix the Super Install System . I m Facing lots of crashes and Installation errors .
  12. Bro the super install gets stuck during the installation process Please Fix the Super install Feature so that we can install smoothly . I have used the hacks from this website last season . Honestly the hacks are Good .