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Everything posted by rickygallegobmw

  1. Do I need to buy the” ipawind “ app to download the super install Link ???
  2. Still don’t work direct install or super install , when is gonna be available to download the links ??
  3. How can i download the IPA ? I paid the vip month and the super key for 1 year ?? Can someone help me out please ? Thanks
  4. I can’t download the direct install or Super install link : it says : Cant find the app,Please contact administrator!
  5. Ok this is ridiculous I still can’t download the super install link bc an Apple api issue for 2 weeks already . Where’s the costumer service complains ? Is this an American web site company ? Somebody knows ? DM
  6. I just bought the vip membership and anual key ? 22 days ago and I just played 6 days :( the rest of the days always something happens like can’t download the super install , bans, etc...
  7. Another day waiting to someone fix the super install certificates, anti ban , V3 ... seriously ...
  8. Still nothing ?? Super install certificates fixed?? V3 release?? , new antiban??
  9. Still waiting for 2 days to someone fix the super install certificates ! It can NOT OPEN ...
  10. I bough for first time this hacks iosgg 18 days ago And I couldn’t downloaded the game the first 6 days and then finally i could do it and play for the next 6 days And now I can’t open the game bc my super install crashed and revoke for the last 2 days , and still waiting to fix the super install certificates and still waiting for a new anti-ban bc I got 10 min , 20 min , 30 min & 2 hours when I played those 6 days ago and the last thing: still waiting for the new update V3 .... all this situations happens every single month to month ???? Just saying you know
  11. Now it happened again with my other account I got 1 week ban and after wait the whole week logging and started playing and BANN 2 weeks now hahaha this is insane ... i don’t even really care about V3 , or V1234 !! I just care about a really good and efficient ANTI-BAN . That’s it . Is that too much to ask to the administrator?
  12. After got the 10 min , 20 min , 30 min ban I just got the 2 hours ban ;( NOT SAFE CLASSIC OR EVEN 4 vs 4
  13. Now I got 30 min bann playing evoground 4vs4 , it’s NOT SAFE on any way guys . What’s going on ? When is gonna release V3 ? And New anti- ban .
  14. 10 min bann and after that another 20 min ban ;( .... what’s next ? Even just playing 4 vs 4 got bann . Bc Cracked version
  15. I been playing for the last 3 days bronze V to ACE 1 ⭐️ With 102 classic matches :) but the last matches gave me 4 times 10 min bann and the last one (102#) gave me 30 min ban :( ... ITS NOT SAFE ANYMORE GUYS ;(