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About Akarior

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  • Device
    iPhone XS Max
  • Version
    iOS 13.x
  • Jailbreak
  1. Where is admin..? Why not respond..?! When i click super install, the item not showing iosgg icon but pubg mobile icon same like at app store
  2. Omg.. when i click super install..is not shown iosgg menu,but shown pubg mobile same like i will download pubg at app store. even stuck in resigning, should be shown item iosgg not pubg mobile
  3. Hey guys...why when i tried to download iosgg use super install is shown pubg mobile? Is not iosgg app hack..?!
  4. Why you not even post how the step to get this hack..? if direct install still revoked..better i never take this bro
  5. If possible if just use direct install and the pubg hack will install on device?
  6. Why must got revoked to use direct install? so i must buy the super install..?! Omg