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Everything posted by KingBeast333

  1. Bro can’t download man super install wtf is gong with this server Cloudflare and some time singing singing
  2. Bro he removed the old version man in wat world u ppl are living he’s uploading the new one super install is also not working
  3. It’s okay bro calm dawn chill bro we are all waiting brother maybe he’s uploading cuz super install is removed
  4. Yes yes bro same as us don’t worry he’s uploading the new version bro I think he delete the old one
  5. Yes brother same problem like all A’s super install I think idk but he delete the old version he’s uploading new one
  6. Yes brother idk why Hey Admin its still not working the super install and maybe hes uploading the version of pubg thats why he delete the old one
  7. Super install in not Working when i click on it its says cant open app contect administrator
  8. The rank is fked up man all i thought we will push rank and its all over man
  9. Super install cant find app contact to admistrater. @cz1993 help what’s happening
  10. Plz plz plz bro fix the globle version today god sake bro 1 month subscription and like 4 days is gone like this
  11. Bro can u fix it today The Globle pubg. Plzzzz can’t wait still stuck in squad concarar plz
  12. Unable to connect to apple API plz fix this problem to bcuz I can’t download now the super installed
  13. Bro you have to wait you are not only the one he have so many followers so he will think about them he said u before this is not the original one just calm dawn and wait
  14. Oky brother when u sure 100% then relase plz bcuz we will play on main accout and its more expensive and goood work bro we appreciate ur hard work love frm Pakistan