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Everything posted by Delbirin

  1. انا اشتركت بشيتو افضل بمليون مرة من الزبالة هذا .. غالي لكن سعره معاه والله من مبارحة وانا العب بحسابي الرئيسي لا بند ولا بحاجة الترسيت او الجوالين والخرابيط اشتريت حساب موزع من عندهم الي يحب يشترك ممكن ابعثله اشتراك يجرب لمدة ٣ ساعات والسعر ارخص من الموقع
  2. حتى شيكرين ما يزبط جربتها اول ما تشبك الايباد يعطيك الجهاز غير مدعوم جربتها بجهازين واحد iPad Air 3 والثاني iPad (7th generation) 2019
  3. الاصدارات القديمة يركب لكن الجديدة ما لقيت .. جربت كل الطرق وما نفعت .. الا اذا بتعرف شي طريقة للاصدارات الجديدة 13.3.4
  4. للاسف بستعمل ايباد والايباد ما بتقدر تعمله جيلبريك والا كنت مشترك بالشارب شوتر بدال الزربة هذا
  5. My subscription is about to expire (on Sunday). I didn't get any benefit of it. I used the hack for max 2-3 days the rest was just waiting download and hack detection problems. And this mother f*** (inappropriate word)er doesn't give a f*** (inappropriate word)
  6. Got banned (30 min) in lobby immediately after I logged in. I didn’t even enter a match or activate anything. Paid for a month and super bullsh!t. Neither work. Super bullsh!t is overloaded all the time and after days of suffering you’ll be surprised that it’s 100% detected. Damn!!
  7. Totally useless, I got banned in spite of I played with no cheat. No antenna, no magic bullet. Just default settings and BAN! Where the hell is ANTI-BAN? bullsh!t!
  8. To those who are suffering from “unable to install please try again later” I got this error for the past two days and absolutely the admin doesn’t answer and doesn’t give a f*** (inappropriate word) either. however the solution that worked for me was as following: keep watching your download and once it changed from loading to installing, just activate airplane mode and wait until it finishes. Hope that will work for you as well guys!
  9. ?NEW IGG CODES 0.17.0?

    :) :) :)