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About Denisg503

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  • Device
    iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • Version
    iOS 13.x
  • Jailbreak
  1. The code doesn’t work if we can’t play bro cmon it’s been 2 weeks now
  2. Guys why do y’all still try to download the game it’s not safe at all just wait for v3 if you wanna get banned go ahead just don’t be crying later when you get 5 to 10 years
  3. Hey I keep getting banned using these antiban methods which antiban can I use ?
  4. Hey I keep making new accounts bc every time I get on I get banned what’s a good anti ban I can use I keep getting detected
  5. I thought he had fixed this issue I used the super install link and it let me download
  6. Hey guys I tested out the new update with a new account but they still detected it what went wrong ? I thought these version was safe
  7. Bro never say again almost done when it’s passed 12 hrs is that almost done for you