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Everything posted by Sarab240986

  1. خلص اشتراكي ومالعبت بالهاك الا اسبوع على بعضه مقسم ٣ ايام في كل مره ?? ذا غير اني ماخذ الvip وال super ? ولااستفدت شي
  2. My registration month finish with one week work for this hack..!!!!! And the remaining waiting the update .!!! Waw
  3. It’s said: “ There is already a user has started to sign with the app, Try again some minutes later! “ what is the problem..!!!
  4. It’s said “ already this user download pubg”
  5. اشتركت في السوبر وحاولت احمل اللعبة ولكن للاسف يقول لي انه المستخدم بدأ بالتحميل ومااسوف شي جالس يتحمل..!! احد يقدر يساعدني ليش مو جالس يحمل يقول لي حاول بعد دقائق!!
  6. I receive this massage when i use super install after paied “There is already a process started, try again some minutes later.”
  7. I pay for VIP since one week ..and i still can’t download this hack because it’s revoked..!!!! no link.. no one answered us..!! And no didline for the date of submitting this direct install link..!!!!!! And also now I paid for super install and can’t install it.!!!!!!! it is showing me this massage: it’s already starting download..!!! we pay and for nothing???! please answer me..!!! @cz1993
  8. I pay for VIP since one week ..and i still can’t download this hack because it’s revoked..!!!! no link.. no one answered us..!! And no didline for the date of submitting this direct install link..!!!!!! so what can i do .. pay for nothing for one month 77 RS..!!! That’s what you want..!!!!!!!!! please we need this link as soon as possible.. or just tell us when you will put the direct install..!!!
  9. And what about the direct install..!!! he will not open it and we have to pay for super????
  10. We start season 13 and the hack still not coming in direct install?!!!!!