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Everything posted by leduy02788

  1. Bro could you fix Super Install , can’t download it lol . Thank you and remember whatever happen we still support you
  2. Ban đâu mà ban, bạn chưa chơi đừng có nói vớ vẩn. Mình chơi 7 ván chưa ban lần nào full option nhé , nhớ chơi 2 máy
  3. Anyway i still can’t download the app lol , hope I could get it soon . Thank you bro enjoy ?
  4. Are you sure bro ? Look like a lot of people say it unsafe , get band a lot
  5. I just bought Super Install , after that I knew I’m f*** (inappropriate word)ed up . Lol and no return option
  6. What happened to Super install options Cz1993 . I can’t use it to download the App help please