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Everything posted by waelll

  1. هاييييي هاييييي
  2. ثانكسسس ثانكسسس
  3. 首先,任何一个黑客网站都没有100%的安全性。.其次,发展的问题不是空谈,而是持续和成功的关键,无论是对于网站还是寻求最佳产品的同一位玩家而言。空话取决于思考有限的事情并止步于此?
  4. I don’t know what is funny, the development is important. I don’t say we want like Sharp Shot. I want our penetration to be lacking, so we know that our magic bullet is a distinct addition, but there is no objection to increasing the features.
  5. I have a suggestion for the developer to use the copy development @Cz1993 First of all, the hacked version of pubg is great compared to copying other sites, but it needs some additions to be a great copy We will not talk about safety because you know me how to put the appropriate copies .. The important thing is, I tried a copy of a young Shotter and a Chinese version of the Secretariat, our version is nice, but if we add some modifications to it like ... Firstly Know the locations of the tools that we need in the game, such as the presence signs of treatment, armor, helmet, weapon, in addition to the location of the airdrop and its weapon. Secondly Seeing enemies behind the wall without penetrating the bullet in the sense of setting up a system like the radar but in another way like putting a skeleton or physical lines for those who hide behind the walls or who are with me in the same house and seeing them simply and knowing their movements. Third The advantage of knowing the presence of vehicles alike to avoid adultery and the like by marking vehicles that are about 400 meters away from us Fourthly It is very important if we put information on the enemies we face, such as the amount of blood remaining from it, the type of weapon, and more importantly, the solution to the problem of herbal dress whereby in our current version, any enemy who wears this type cannot see or locate it. Fifthly Setting alerts in the event that the enemy approaches a distance of not less than 200 m, whether from the front or the back, because there are positions that put the player in a critical position in the event he addresses those in front of him and does not know with focus who is behind him. Sixthly Hold on to the magic bullet And adding a single shot, this I found it in one of the hacked versions, and safe conditions must be put in place to use it so that the account is not exposed to the item Seven More importantly, finding a way from my opinion will be a distinct addition, which is playing in a specific way, which is by using one mobile or one device and dispensing with the two devices without using the docking system, and if it is necessary, the docking is required before the plane takes off This is what I have now .. Greetings to all
  6. حاول مره اخرى انا مسحت اعدادت سفاري ومن ثم حاولت مراراً حتى استطعت تحميل النسخة، التحميل بطيء بسبب الضغط ولكن بالأخير تحملت بعد عناء طويل جداً
  7. My other account was banned and a message appeared that I have to download the game from the app store. This version is stolen? I was banned from playing for two hours, knowing that I play on two iPhones without jlbrek @1990 تشيكوسلوفاكيا
  8. طيب لا تلعب انت في اكثر من شخص اعرفهم ام يتم حظرهم وامورهم تمام
  9. @ cz1993 خدمة سيئة وموقع فاشل لا يقدر مشتركيه أموال تدفع بلا جدوى أيام تمضي على الاشتراك دون فائدة لماذا؟ فقط نستفيد منه أيام معدودة وثم يطلب منا تجديد الاشتراك ، بدون تقدير ولا تعويض للأعضاء؟ لماذا إذن نشترك بخدمة كبار الشخصيات دون أن نجد خدمة تليق بهم. نجد النسخة موزعة على المتاجر قبلنا ويستفيدون منها أعضاء تلك المتاجر وماذا عن الأعضاء الأساسين وتجدهم لا حسد يستفيدون من النسخه أكثر منا على المطور احترام أعضاءه الذين اشتركوا مباشرة معه بالموقع. فقط لا نجد في الموقع إلا نسخ عطلانه تحميل سيء ضغط في السيرفرات اختراق للخوادم انتظار يصل إلى 10 أيام وأكثر مافائدة الموقع إذا ماذا استفدنا من الاشتراك أجب لو سمحت؟
  10. @Cz1993 Do you accept that your money goes in vain? Would you be satisfied to see your subscribers suffer days due to the various site problems? Do you accept that you would subscribe monthly for a sum of money and benefit from the monthly subscription only days? Even worse, we see other stores that have an updated version and have connected and downloaded from them and connote it to their subscribers, and we are waiting for the super installation works with us, is that possible? We appreciate your business, but we await compensation from you for the days past useless!
  11. ماهي تلك المتاجر اللي صدرت النسخه المحدثك؟