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Everything posted by AxelIto777m

  1. And then after that some just tell us to « go away » if we don't have the patience while we just saying the facts and express our opinion bout the thing.
  2. no need for your suggestion or pity, I have as much right as anyone else with a vip pass to write a comment here to express my opinion, so no need to be aggressive because I haven't been to anyone here, and besides everything has an end, i just wondered if it would work again for a while or not, so your « just go away » you can keep it for no brain people
  3. Agree with that, since the beginning of 0.18 version i think i played only for 4 or 5 days because of server problem, super install problem, revoke problem, activation problem, crash problem now ban problem, even if i can’t play on kr version with my main account cause it’s not safe i decided to download the global one but even here there still problem, i understand that sometimes we have to be patient but it’s like the thing is not working at all
  4. Cannot download, always failed bro, and same as you my key is expired and i can’t play on 0.17 any more, keep the 0.17 version till we have to upgrade it admin, we need a key for it