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Everything posted by Mohamed1022

  1. Did it work for u ?? Did it gave u ban bc it gave me ban using method 1 n the playload method and I have strong WiFi and using 2 iOS devices
  2. I have always used hacks from this user and I do it correctly now I used method 2 ban then I tried method 3 with different again got banned what’s going on bro ???
  3. Need help I already bought the super install key last month and my vip still active now it’s telling me no key? But it from here pleas fix @Cz1993
  4. I’ve told him many times lower the headshot it’s too powerful that’s how players get reports it’s too powerful lower it
  5. Can’t install turns out grey here’s my id please fix 1ef41fd6b75862f65b9b746fc3fc66a6746aee9b
  6. after downloading it notification freezes the game again like the old one