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Everything posted by devon1006

  1. now i cant even start to download and the app in the background keep saying waiting and cant see any progress of downloading
  2. im good to sign in fjbally but when i tried to click indtall, the app in the background keep saying waiting without starting download. Is it normal that we need to wait so long for this stage?
  3. anyone can successfully download the new hack and play? How do you guys download it? Is this just a matter of luck and you guys can trying to sign in until no one is signing in at that time?
  4. The v.0.18.0 version was out in App Store. when can the hack update to the newest version so we can use it? @Cz1993
  5. I have used method 1 to play and it is safe but just now suddenly ban first time for 10 mins and then second time for 20 mins within 3 games. I have used method 1 to play and it is safe and I didn't get ban for 30 matches after the new update hack. Is there a ban wave going now ? @Cz1993