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Everything posted by Nmmksa1983

  1. This note in home page: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Apple has changed something and at the moment on ios 13.3 and up may not be able use the "Direct Install" to install the games, We are working to fix it. But the "Super Install" is still working fine.
  2. ايش اللعبه اذا بوبجي لاتضيع وقتك وتنزل سوبر انستول لان الباند قوي مالقوا له حل
  3. I will never renew my membership i pay for 1 month and I played 3 days nice business
  4. He don’t know we need Credibility my membership will expire I think before the new version?! And after that they will tell us to pay for vip to play!!?
  5. We can’t play that’s very bad why we pay for that’s!!!? every match I get bann
  6. I get 2 band in 1 hour with 2 different accounts one for a week and the other one for a day!!!!!?
  7. How can I download it ????
  8. Who get band else? Me and my friends we got that’s not make since!!!!!