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Everything posted by Aka69

  1. Yes - si far no error or ban / i have already 20 Matches - 2 device = 0 ban If i get ban i will let u know . PD : Some Friends got 10 min one Time and After that no More .
  2. Great Job Bro - Take Ur Time and Make a Safe antiban - we dont want ipa Update every week . BR
  3. Tienes que esperar que suban la nueva versión y entonces podrás pedir la llave
  4. Please move slider - sometimes its Not possible to press the ( X ) due that and we have to restart Game ?
  5. Head AOE Shoot丨Valid For All Match Before enter in the Match Ulong Search 4740038608910024704 Change: 1、Small AOE 5256866248569389056 2、Medium AOE 5311743973423316992 3、High AOE 5328923842607316992