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Everything posted by KhaVulture

  1. This is just unfair....some are playing and some are wasting hours and hours waiting to be download.....may be admins should select 20 people at a time to install... in that way it will be easier ....
  2. Does it used to be like this before also or is it the first time? I am member here since one wee.
  3. Admin should step in to fix this issue ASAP then. I think resetting the server may fix this issue. In my device it downloaded upto 90 percent and was interrupted. So, I stopped trying.
  4. Guys stop trying now if you want it to work. The server is overloaded and if you try more you are gonna hung up server. If you wait and have patience all of us will download.
  5. I have been trying since 9 hours but no luck...... so guys don’t try now until admin fix
  6. In the updated version please remove this nograss. As there is antenna no grass is not necessary. Game seems so bad without grass.
  7. Oh i thought i am the only one having issue so i tried unistall and install. Installing is left.
  8. youtube/cercube no ads no red banner

    Lets see if it works