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Everything posted by Jaygt

  1. Everything look great right now, just wondering when will have antiban functions on this krjp version? thanks @Cz1993
  2. waiting PASS Loading OK Installing “unable intall pubg menu, please try again later”
  3. Are u sure global version is safe with any method? Even i still installing, unsuccessful yet
  4. These will connect to hack server before connect to game if i’m not miss understanding, hope he can get it fixed without reinstall
  5. Get banned with method 3 ??? @Cz1993 do you have any solutions? i just shoot on the wall not on target for test, get banned immediately, mean just open fire and ban.
  6. Most people will back to work or school in next week, so tons of people may will quit the game, and also iosgg influences too. See....
  7. Normal, since the server super slow right now, I spent half day with 1/8 proceeded, still waiting for loading.