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Everything posted by Jaygt

  1. Mega or google drive all good, thanks for your sharing. super install I keep got the 502 error, don’t say sign and install.
  2. I knew he should keep the source for business, but so terrible host then only some ppl success for installed, thousands of people outside trying but no luck.
  3. FILE NOT FOUND, and also how to get signing certificate and provisioning profile?
  4. Ipa dropped is impossible. @Cz1993 get super install server fixed, cannot get in server with error 502 so how to sign from 00:00 to 30 and then download plus install, long long way like 西遊記 for me.
  5. @Cz1993 please get the super install fixed, direct link can’t finish the installing.
  6. If someone of you already got 7 days or more of banned, nothing for you with new version or you want to re play with newbies. save your account and uc, don’t login anymore with current version if u don’t want 10 years banned apply on your. cracked version was detected even u just logged in for seeing
  7. Banned message “ please download the PUBG mobile client app again from the App Store or google play. You will not able to login and may be penalized if you use a cracked version.” i think our version was detected @Cz1993 got ban in beginning of match, may still have 80 enemy and in first play zone.
  8. They taking actions, banned wave already came. Stay safe with ban like stay safe with Covid 19
  9. After a week i got first 10mins banned , don’t know what happened on, I m believe i m doing good on anti method . who got banned please report here
  10. @Cz1993 After a lot of tests, found out the antiban method 3 NOT working, in final step we can not enter the match to kick out the clear phone, then play with banned immediately. just wondering if everyone who can help me with the another method or solutions with antiban, since @Cz1993 mention this already NEW VERSION? Cheer
  11. @cz1993 just wonder report in the newest version still got banned after match, and have something different happened when use method 3, like the final step use hack phone get into the match these have “connections loss” pop up and need click “exit the match” then clear phone “connection loss”, probably I cannot describes very clear but i think everyone who trying will get same issue like me. anyway, still get banned.... please fix the bugs. @Cz1993