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Everything posted by Jaygt

  1. Is v2 safe? why doesn't see any ppl online for waiting, yelling or complaining?
  2. Hi, which version u using on jb device and is it safe? Are there same version with non-jb? Should we jb our device when we have chance? Need some advice. Thanks
  3. I’m good already bro, installed via “super” Install.... killed me man. Then I stepped in match with my friend and then I heard one guy said he has pop up said “matching with hack...” then they just kicked me out and then I understood what’s happened :)) but im good not get any banned
  4. Did u guys find out if you matching with your teammates then they will received the warnings is they matching with hack..?
  5. Hi all, how to troubleshoot if keep unable to install after half way downloading
  6. Google instructions with old version xcode, the new one look totally different
  7. I did that and after i google, the result was i need one paid apple developer account to bypass this sh!t
  8. Cydia impactor error : file: provision.cpp; line: 81; what: ios/listDevices =3018 Please update to Xcode 7.3 or later to continue developing with your Apple ID.
  9. It told me update xcode 7.3 or later, but i already installed newest xcode...... i google ing way to fix it
  10. I did try with new cydia impactor newest version, and get suck at apple id/ password step, let i try again, thanks bro