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Everything posted by Jaygt

  1. 再說現在他們的簽證都用不了,連已經在玩的玩家也不能繼續了,你 @Best202006 來得不及時了
  2. 你的帳號需要他們升級到vip才可以進到VIP的資源頁,看你的現還只是普通號
  3. 你說你買了貴賓,你自己的號他們還沒幫你升級,換句話說在和論壇的事他們還沒理會,淡然你的錢肯定已經在他們口袋裡
  4. Never seen any admin or mod come in for helping or replying, Only thing for who has paid was WAIT, they just keep singing “later” and “soon”. Of course they can say next week or month we fix..., but no, just later and soon then keep members come for yelling. so don’t ask admin for help, you can do is wait Or yell, when they fix? No one can answer. Of course they enjoying your money.
  5. 成为VIP后就可以看到下载链,以及拿到激活码,LINK我已经回复你在上面, 还有再有问题就唯有 “等” 来解决, 我都是正遇到问题才有空闲在这回复你 你需要付款以下两款才算足够 VIP https://iosgg.com/store/category/1-vip-subscriptions/ Super Install
  6. https://iosgg.com/store/category/1-vip-subscriptions/
  7. 要联系版主是无可能的事的,如果你有问题 你唯一可以做的就是等。
  8. Any mod or admin can help me solve the issue, I cannot open the app cause keep crashing. Who can i contact and where can I report my issues. many thanks Q. What to do if "Super Install" apps/games is revoked? A. There is only very low probability to get revoked, but if it does happen you can contact administrator to replace your certificate for FREE.
  9. Anyone cannot open the app games installed by super install please quote me, renew certificates not a big problem with Managment right?