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Everything posted by Iosgg11227

  1. Top up Vip for less than 10 days Waste money for free Doesn't fix anything
  2. Wait for the other versions of Cz to ignore. These servers deceive, but the global version
  3. Wait for the other versions of Cz to ignore. These servers deceive, but the global version
  4. All over the world, it can't be loaded. Korean TW can't play, can't waste. Free for 16 days. @Cz1993
  5. When will the Korean and TW versions be fixed? For too long, I can't waste my money on anything. @Cz1993
  6. Yes, Cz has not changed like this for almost a week. Cz doesn't care at all, only the worldwide version
  7. I'm not interested in other servers. Help each other with other games as well.
  8. It was banned for 10 minutes. Can not solve anything. Almost like