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Everything posted by Sahilgaba1992

  1. @Cz1993 bro superkey is out of stock and superkey server still has issues too much error
  2. I am trying downloading Getting errors first 502 , 522 When out of 10 times refresh Link open just 1 time I downloaded 10 times And it stops sometimes at 10% Sometimes 50% But never installed
  3. Thank you so much bro for answering But superkey server still giving errors 522 Error 502 sometimes
  4. @Cz1993 Still waiting for superkey server fix Direct is not working Can you please put some status about it Everyone is waiting for you Thanks
  5. When he told not use to use global why the hell r u still playing let him work properly asking again and again wont help him
  6. Yes for now i played 3 matches dont use magic bullet much or u goona get reported
  7. With super key but right now superkey is out of stock maybe when @Cz1993 is online he get the stock back
  8. @Cz1993Take your time sir you are the best we can wait for alot of days for you keep up the good work and don’t listen to haters and i**** (inappropriate word)s if u need any help do let us know
  9. @Cz1993 when i try to install with super install i get the error cant connect to apple api
  10. @Cz1993 test the hack in high tier the more the hgh tier the more strict the pubg antiban
  11. @Cz1993 i have still been playing pubg vng With method 2 without mode menu Its working fine. not a single ban yet but global giving ban for emulator problem too there is a new error in superkey installation it says unable to connect to apple api