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Everything posted by Jazzielgc

  1. IosGG is bull.....t i dont pay anymore this f*** (inappropriate word)ing hack if some one know a hack that is working without ban please tell me guys thank u
  2. Yeah bro becarful because at least he need do something for us that we cant get 10 years ban only get 10 minutes and dont play more when its not safe
  3. Dont buy it i pay for 3 months and super install and i get 10 years ban wirh the first ban i lost my account and waiste money
  4. Please @Cz1993 measure that tencent dont see the hack version because i get ban and tencent put down my account and i was conquer yet thats so sad ?
  5. Please measure that tencent dont see the hack version because i get 7 days ban and i lose all i was on conquer and now on begin ?