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Everything posted by kreva01

  1. by "PC" normally it refers to windows. you should say MAC instead of PC, ppl already confused lol. stop adding and make them more confuse. anyway thanks for your effort, i'll just wait 2-3 days until superinstall came back to normal
  2. by using PC, do you meant MAC? as far as i know, resign and run terminal thing only work on mac
  3. 6 hours is nothing bro, normally it takes 3-4 days for download and of course you hve to trying to download like crazy all the time
  4. beware guys, some scammer lurking around asking you contact him via telegram for Mega or other external download link
  5. @bluestack ikr. i played 1000+ match on 0.17 version (manual code input) big magic bullet area often get detected. small area is the safest and not too obvious @Cz1993 you need to read this ^ if possible on next release please bring back manual code input
  6. wow....RIP ENGLISH, bet u dont only cant read but also dont know english, must be 3-4 y/o kids who just barely learn how to crawl
  7. tf??? im totally speechless, who is mad here? i said dont use any menu while waiting for fix to avoid ban. learn to read properly, dont make your mom sent u to school for nothing
  8. thats why i called u r3tard, do u even read his post? he clearly said dont use all the menu, u can still play normally without code or menu. if you wan to use manual scan, go for it. dont cry for ban later. got it r3tard? im done here, too many id1ot who cant even read properly
  9. are you autism? or admin wannabe? theres no global / other version key since 9 may. so STFU u damn fatkid, go play your barbie dolls
  10. hei retard, you r no complaint thats your fcking problem. we got our right to get explanation instead of the same lame excuse from time to time
  11. 0.17 my a** (inappropriate word), it was revoked 3 days ago. and to answer your question, yes! im using super install yet still got revoked "it happend every time" <----- this is the problem! with his userbase growing big day to day, why theres no any improvement of the server???
  12. for super install alone, lets say 3000 user x 15dollar, he got 45K at least exluced to VIP man...... pocketing 45k yet cant afford an capable server.
  13. and they just keep selling VIP, instead of temporary suspend selling it and solving their server issue
  14. even you success download the app, it wont work. the app just crash upon you press open
  15. guess what, soon after we managed to download, we'll facing new problem... either app wont open or revoke or detection / 10mins ban, we'll be forced to re-download again and repeat this god-damn cycle. to whom claim to finish download this new version and its working, can you made video and share to us? im start to doubt its working or exist
  16. @Cz1993 same here, i managed to success download 2 times. but the app is crash