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Everything posted by bluestack

  1. 1. Open & login PUBG using clear phone 2. Start a Classic match (not yet tested with Training match) 3. After loading (when you are at waiting room with Apple throwing), kill PUBG app 4. Re-open PUBG on clear phone, open PUBG on hack phone, login same account at both phones 5. Both phones you will see "Enter match again?" popup 6. Enter match again on clear phone 7. After loading, wait 3 seconds, then enter match again on hack phone 8. On clear phone, you will see the popup "Connection to server lost. Please check your network connection before trying again.". Leave it there like method 1 9. On hack phone, after you enter the match, quit the match immediately. 10. Play
  2. I tested the method 3 and I played 5 matches with antenna code + magic bullet and still safe
  3. got 30 mins banned even I used method 1 (2 ios devices) had been safe for a long time
  4. bỏ cái thanh quét thì lúc mở app lên đừng ấn nút start hack vội, mà chờ 1 lúc rồi ấn còn bỏ iosgg hình tròn thì ấn 3 ngón 3 lần
  5. How to turn unhide Grass PUBG?

    no. haha I'm trying to improve my skill