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About TamemAl18

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  • Device
    iPhone XS Max
  • Version
    iOS 13.x
  • Jailbreak
  1. I agree with u. This is absolutely a f*** (inappropriate word)ing lie they dont give a f*** (inappropriate word) if our subscriptions expire, we paid money to play with this sh!t and we r not getting what we paid for and what we expected.
  2. No matter wtf u r saying, i have paid 35$ dollars to play for a week and the rest of the month waiting if what u r saying is true let that guy be honest and make the vip sub alot cheaper or when we r waiting suspend it so we r not f*** (inappropriate word)ing wasting our money for nothing u stupid a** (inappropriate word), u r trying to be smart but u r a peace of sh!t.
  3. U guys hear me, this guy is literally robbing all of us dont buy this sh!t anymore, this is my last time paying for him and his content, im not saying that bc of this season only but for the previous seasons too we keep getting banned for weeks and weeks and some of us for years and he takes his time to enjoy his life with our money and we just keep waiting for the updates and to fix his sh!tty servers + he never reply to our messages idk wtf is he thinking about taking our money and letting all the people pissed af. Im done with this sh!tty website
  4. Im not saying that caz i got banned im saying it cz i have money to play with this hack and didnt get what i paid for i only played for a week and the rest waiting for the update and now cant download it. Do u think that it is saying vip membership for a month and at the end u only play for a week in this whole month? This is completely a scam my guy
  5. What about sharp shooter? I dont thnk its bad but its main problem that it doesnt have magic bullet
  6. Go look in telegram there is plenty of them and work for couple days and then gets ban like this sh!t .
  7. عندك متجر زي الخلق الي عندي اخنث من هذا بس سكرو الشهاده كلمته ويقلي خلص الاشتراك ابي اشترك بمتجر يكون فيه مطور يتعب ع شغله اذا عندك بس ارسل اليوزر حق التلفرام واكلمك فيه وصارله سيزونين وما يحدث الهاك وكلهم باند ابي هاك زي الخلق ولو غالي ما عندي مشكله
  8. Its not only that, this is pure trash and there are millions of problems with this hack , first of all it doesnt download and it keeps crashing after five hours of downloading and the hack gives ban every match. My question is why is this content paid u can get the same hack for free with the same sh!t and gives ban. It completely waste of money im not buying sh!t anymore from this guy i have bought two vip sub and the super instal sh!t for nothing and im done.
  9. I downloaded the freakin game six times and when its fully downloaded it doesnt even open it keeps saying unable to instal the whole sh!t i bought the super instal what is this i only played for a week and got banned for another week and now nothing. Waste of money and time i will be looking for something worth putting my money on.