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Everything posted by almamari9292

  1. Can you fix the band 10 minutes? This is not valid for us
  2. Previously we were allowed to reset the network now when you use it it works as a crush
  3. Cz1993 @ نحن بحاجة إلى تحديث الرموز السحرية و im bot
  4. Cz1993 @ ليس لدينا جهازان ، نريد حلًا آخر في أسرع وقت ممكن The band 10 minutes is still rippled
  5. Cz1993@Do we need the Taiwanese version? we need the Taiwanese version?
  6. Cz1993@We are waiting for the Taiwanese version We do not have two devices We are waiting for the Taiwanese version We do not have two devices
  7. Cz1993@We need the Taiwanese version, and we don't want the band 10 minutes
  8. قم بتحديث رمز التفعيل واطلق النسخة الجديدة إلى تايوان
  9. Cz1993@Update the activation code and release the new version to Taiwan Update the activation code and release the new version to Taiwan
  10. Cz1993@We need the activation code and the Taiwanese version of all games
  11. Cz1993@We need the activation code and the Taiwanese version of all games
  12. Cz1993@تم تنزيل الألعاب ولم يتم تحديث رمز التفعيل حاليًا
  13. Cz1993@We need a new activation code, please now Cz1993@We need a new activation code, please now
  14. The games have been downloaded and an activation code is not currently being updated
  15. تم تنزيل الألعاب ولم يتم تحديث رمز التفعيل حاليًا