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Everything posted by Lilwenn

  1. @Cz1993i tried 2.4.0 from Other hack but app crash when we enter in fight so we let you try to be better than them cz ! We know you can and thanks in advance !
  2. @Cz19932.4.0 is out we need you !!!! Thank you in advance
  3. @Cz19932.4.0 is coming in few hours maximum please be ready my cz ? After this update you could breath during some weeks I think.
  4. @Cz1993today they updated to 2.3.0 but I read that they will again update due to the bug of data so you can wait the last patch maybe. Thank you !
  5. @Cz1993be ready to update again because since this one of yesterday there are some big network errors and more and they are trying to fix problems...
  6. Need update for dbz legends @Cz1993we are many players to wait thank you !
  7. @Cz1993we can’t play if you don’t update to 2.2.0...
  8. @Cz1993we need update ! 2.2.0 is just out on store !
  9. Game crash just after loading even after several try.