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About llfn0

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    iPhone 7
  • Version
    iOS 12.x
  • Jailbreak
  1. Guys who wants really bad to download the new version.. its sucks ! Only enabled the antena and get band 2 hours with cracked version band . @Cz1993your version got detected!
  2. I have downloaded the game but my new activation code doesn’t work ! How can i solve this problem? نزلت اللعبة وتشتغل معاي بس من يطلب الكود الجديد ما يتفعل بجهازي شنو الحل
  3. @Cz1993 bro after download the new version i cant log in with the code i ordered yesterday. Can you update the code ?
  4. ااحذف سجل سفارري وبعده فعل وضع الطيران وطفي الوايفاي وافتح اللعبة بتشتغل عك
  5. iwas playing agame 10 min ago and got banned the ban reason is cracked version