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Everything posted by Glademorgan

  1. Please reference the above post. We must wait until our savior cz1993 decides to update it. He has been offline for an hour now.... we must wait and see when his highness bestows the newest version upon us.
  2. It is updated when the uploader @cz1933 decides to fix the bug. I’ve already messaged him directly on here and commented on this forum a few times. Just waiting on him to update it. He is usually pretty quick to update so we will see.
  3. If you are about to download the 1.39.0 hack- make sure they have updated it since 10/30/19 because as of right now the current hack does not work and will crash as soon as you accomplish something.
  4. Currently the 1.39.0 hack that is available to download will crash as soon as you accomplish a mission. This bug is as of 10/31/19 2:48pm PST. please update the current hack so that we may play without crashing.
  5. To anyone that is about to comment- make sure that you are downloading 1.39.0. The current hack as I comment this is only 1.38.1 and will not work.
  6. The developers updated the game so we have to wait for iosgg to upload an updated hack
  7. Thanks for the update. Gonna finish those bojack missions now
  8. Do I need a computer to use this hack or can I just do it on my phone?