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About Glademorgan

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  1. Will I have to redownload the apps or will it be fixed internally ?
  2. Is this still working after the app updated 13 hours ago? I guess this answers my question lol.
  3. So to confirm it no longer crashes the app once you complete a mission (without using a skip ticket)?
  4. The current version crashes for your information
  5. It tells me to “update” the app once I open it and then takes me to a 3rd party website. I didn’t try anything on the website but as far as I’m concerned the hack doesn’t work. 0/10
  6. The first page of the thread still says it hasn’t been updated since 10/30
  7. This game works exactly as stated with no bugs at all. When you go to “purchase” in game money it pops up asking you to sign in to iTunes and you just click cancel and it still gives you the in game currency. 10/10 good hack.
  8. I am going to try this out today. Will respond with how it goes.
  9. Gonna try this out today. Will comment how it goes. Gonna try this out today. Will comment how it goes.
  10. No one has said that this has been updated or confirmed that it doesn’t crash after completing a mission. So I assume it has not been updated and still crashes.
  11. The bug is still crashing the hack as of 11/05/19 5:54pm PST
  12. Most people are experiencing this issue currently. Since when has the hack started working? And are you sure you can finish a mission and not get kicked out? Yes everyone has been crashing. Your answer should be responded somewhere in this thread. I was under the impression it hasn’t been fixed yet. It shows that it hasn’t been updated since 10/30/19 though? Are you able to complete missions again?