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Everything posted by Shibuki

  1. Still nothing another site has it with in a day of update. I know only one person is doing it but that’s 2 update missed I would use the other one if pro would work and it wouldn’t crash on opening
  2. Please fix pro multiple app tried to install with filebin but all crash on opening
  3. Nope been trying to install a different one with pro and filebin but it crashes on opening next update will be out b4 the one is done?
  4. Ok so I installed an app using pro with a filebin link but it crashed on opening help would be great
  5. Apps crash when installed with iOSGG pro help please
  6. App crashes when launched when installed from filebin using pro install
  7. Wish people would stop saying great and thanks when it doesn’t work
  8. Update please or give us a idea of a time frame cheers
  9. If you can’t update it why not pull it and put a message on the main page saying you can’t do it instead of leaving ppl with questions and no answers 4 day and not single word pretty bad
  10. Is it fixed......not gonna waste another 24hr if I login and it not