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About Ahmed1412

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  • Device
    iPhone 6
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. Guys there is another website that provides PUBG hack, it’s cost like 60$ for one month but it has super anti Ban with all kind of methods. It’s not requires you to play with two devices or with restart every zone. You just start the game and enjoy. who is interested on it, PM me and I’ll send you the link for the store.
  2. Some ppl said that there is a new version has been released by you and can download it by using the Super key , please restock the super installation key, or fix the direct install.
  3. How come you updated the codes while the game is compromised and no new version released ? What’s the point to update the codes if we can’t use it at all !!!!!!!
  4. How come you updated the codes while the game is compromised and no new version released ? What’s the point to update the codes if we can’t use it at all !!!!!
  5. انتظر النسخة الجديدة .. النسخ الحالية فيها مشكلة ولذلك الكود ما بيقبل المطور حسب كلامه انه شغال عليها ووقت تنزل النسخة الجديدة بيقبل معك الكود
  6. يا شباب مهما حاولت انزل اي لعبة يظهر لي خطأ بعد التنزيل يقول تعذّر فتح التطبيق .. احد عنده حل ؟
  7. يا شباب آخر بوست للتشيكي يقول فيه انه بينزل نسخة جديدة .. انتظروا ولا تدخلون بحساباتكم الأساسية